Let us rejoice

Created by Martin 5 years ago

Going back many years to my time at Ascot Heath Juniors School, which is a church of England school, we used to have regular assemblies with hymns and readings. 

Now, you may think this is nothing usual, which for most part is correct. Until you consider my father used to call the passing of wind rejoicing, or to rejoice. 

Now think about how often the word “rejoice” comes up in hymns and religious readings and you can begin to see where I’m coming from here.

As a 7 or 8 year old boy, toilet humour is pretty damn funny and makes up most of your jokes and whit. So in assembly when the head master says, “let us rejoice”, this is simply too much for me, I can’t hold back the giggles.

Thanks for that Dad, one to treasure.

Martin xxx